11月13日、ななな、なんと吉田兄弟のコンサートがオークランドで催されました。ひと月前にニュージーで配布されているフリーペーパーにその情報が載っていて、一も二も無く申し込みました。しかもフリーです。なぜならJAPAN FOUNDATION主催の日本祭りの一環だからです。応募者多数だったらしいのですが、前から3列目のど真ん中のよい席でした。日本領事館の方に感謝です。日本でも見たことがなかった彼らのコンサートでしたが、とても感動的でした。(康祐)
Yoshida brothers are the most famous Tsugaru-Shamisen player in Japan. Miho and I were surprised because I didn’t know they would come to Auckland and throw the concert in 13th of November. We applied to get the tickets to Japanese consulate a month ago when we saw about an article of the concert on the free paper for Japanese. Because the concert was threw by JAPAN FOUNDATION and the concert is part of Japanese Festival in New Zealand so that was free concert.
At last! We got the tickets as well as that position absolutely great. I appreciated the consular staff.
Anyway, I’ve never seen theirs concert but I was come up with their talents and really enjoyed that on this time. (Kosuke)
Yoshida brothers are the most famous Tsugaru-Shamisen player in Japan. Miho and I were surprised because I didn’t know they would come to Auckland and throw the concert in 13th of November. We applied to get the tickets to Japanese consulate a month ago when we saw about an article of the concert on the free paper for Japanese. Because the concert was threw by JAPAN FOUNDATION and the concert is part of Japanese Festival in New Zealand so that was free concert.
At last! We got the tickets as well as that position absolutely great. I appreciated the consular staff.
Anyway, I’ve never seen theirs concert but I was come up with their talents and really enjoyed that on this time. (Kosuke)